Crash due to voxel bug

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  • Crash due to voxel bug

    Hi Guys,

    There is voxel problem on Mars, our ship crash due to that.
    Is it possible to recover it ? (with the cargo, about 1.000 limiterium and lot of material)

    Ship name : SCA, Transporter

    Thx for support,

    See you in space!
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  • Hi Carth,

    I'm sorry to tell you, that recovering is not an option, due to many reasons:
    • First, we normally won't get active after some game bug stroke, nor when a player is responsible himself. In both cases, it would be very hard to draw the line, when and how to help. We decided, that the rather well known status and errors of the game (still Beta) are for now part of the challenge on the server, and people should try to work around this issues, even though this might be frustrating now and then.
    • Second, without a blueprint close to the exact moment of the crash, there is no chance of a reset. Afaik, yesterday the server was reasonabley filled, therefore a major rollback for one single player or faction would also destroy the progress of a lot of other players.
    • And most important third: We are technically not able to copy-paste anything more complex, even as admins. Due to a decision, Keen Software House made, we - the server hoster and maintainer (!), who ourself set the limits for lore reasons - can't be trusted when it comes to performance issues (for real!), therefore we are not allowed to circumvent the set blocklimits. At this point please allow me a request to upvote a responding thread in the support section of KSH:…/topic/server-admin-limit
    Still I might have a look into you situation later this day and maybe find another way to help you at least a little bit. In the end, we don't want people to leave just because the game is still unpredoictable in times..
    "He who stays in the footsteps of others cannot improve."