Nach dem Update von gestern bin ich über den Speicherort der PCU Values gestolpert, und habe diese ausgelesen. Linsk findet ihr die Blockbezeichnung (wie intern von SE verwendet), daneben in Klammer die festgelegten PCU-Werte
Following the update of yesterday, I found the saved PCU values per block and exportet them. You see a List of the internal block names of SE, and in brackets the coresponding PCU values:
Alles anzeigen
Nach dem Update von gestern bin ich über den Speicherort der PCU Values gestolpert, und habe diese ausgelesen. Linsk findet ihr die Blockbezeichnung (wie intern von SE verwendet), daneben in Klammer die festgelegten PCU-Werte
Following the update of yesterday, I found the saved PCU values per block and exportet them. You see a List of the internal block names of SE, and in brackets the coresponding PCU values:
- Monolith (1 PCU)
- Stereolith (1 PCU)
- DeadAstronaut (15 PCU)
- SmallBlockBatteryBlock (15 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorSlope (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorCorner (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorCornerInv (1 PCU)
- LargeRoundArmor_Slope (1 PCU)
- LargeRoundArmor_Corner (1 PCU)
- LargeRoundArmor_CornerInv (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorSlope (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorCorner (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorCornerInv (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorSlope (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorCorner (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorCornerInv (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorSlope (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorCorner (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorCornerInv (1 PCU)
- LargeHalfArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyHalfArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- LargeHalfSlopeArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyHalfSlopeArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- HalfArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- HeavyHalfArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- HalfSlopeArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- HeavyHalfSlopeArmorBlock (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorRoundSlope (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorRoundCorner (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorRoundCornerInv (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorRoundSlope (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorRoundCorner (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorRoundCornerInv (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorRoundSlope (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorRoundCorner (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorRoundCornerInv (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorRoundSlope (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorRoundCorner (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorRoundCornerInv (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorSlope2Base (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorSlope2Tip (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorCorner2Base (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorCorner2Tip (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorInvCorner2Base (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockArmorInvCorner2Tip (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorSlope2Base (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorSlope2Tip (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorCorner2Base (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorCorner2Tip (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorInvCorner2Base (1 PCU)
- LargeHeavyBlockArmorInvCorner2Tip (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorSlope2Base (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorSlope2Tip (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorCorner2Base (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorCorner2Tip (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorInvCorner2Base (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockArmorInvCorner2Tip (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorSlope2Base (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorSlope2Tip (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorCorner2Base (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorCorner2Tip (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorInvCorner2Base (1 PCU)
- SmallHeavyBlockArmorInvCorner2Tip (1 PCU)
- ControlPanel (5 PCU)
- SmallProgrammableBlock (10 PCU)
- SmallControlPanel (5 PCU)
- SmallGatlingTurret (225 PCU)
- SmallMissileTurret (100 PCU)
- LargeInteriorTurret (125 PCU)
- LargeBlockRadioAntenna (100 PCU)
- LargeBlockBeacon (50 PCU)
- SmallBlockBeacon (50 PCU)
- LargeBlockFrontLight (25 PCU)
- SmallLight (25 PCU)
- SmallBlockSmallLight (25 PCU)
- LargeBlockLight_1corner (25 PCU)
- LargeBlockLight_2corner (25 PCU)
- SmallBlockLight_1corner (25 PCU)
- SmallBlockLight_2corner (25 PCU)
- LargeWindowSquare (1 PCU)
- LargeWindowEdge (1 PCU)
- LargeStairs (1 PCU)
- LargeRamp (1 PCU)
- LargeSteelCatwalk (1 PCU)
- LargeSteelCatwalk2Sides (1 PCU)
- LargeSteelCatwalkCorner (1 PCU)
- LargeSteelCatwalkPlate (1 PCU)
- LargeCoverWall (1 PCU)
- LargeCoverWallHalf (1 PCU)
- LargeWarhead (100 PCU)
- SmallWarhead (50 PCU)
- LargeDecoy (50 PCU)
- SmallDecoy (50 PCU)
- LargeBlockInteriorWall (1 PCU)
- LargeInteriorPillar (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockLandingGear (35 PCU)
- LargeProjector (50 PCU)
- SmallProjector (50 PCU)
- LargeRefinery (90 PCU)
- Blast Furnace (75 PCU)
- (50 PCU)
- LargeAssembler (40 PCU)
- LargeOreDetector (40 PCU)
- LargeMedicalRoom (30 PCU)
- LargeJumpDrive (100 PCU)
- LargeBlockCockpit (15 PCU)
- LargeBlockCockpitSeat (15 PCU)
- SmallBlockCockpit (15 PCU)
- DBSmallBlockFighterCockpit (15 PCU)
- CockpitOpen (15 PCU)
- PassengerSeatLarge (15 PCU)
- PassengerSeatSmall (15 PCU)
- LargeBlockCryoChamber (15 PCU)
- SmallBlockLandingGear (35 PCU)
- SmallBlockFrontLight (25 PCU)
- LargeMissileLauncher (825 PCU)
- SmallRocketLauncherReload (425 PCU)
- SmallBlockDrill (190 PCU)
- LargeBlockDrill (190 PCU)
- SmallBlockOreDetector (40 PCU)
- SmallBlockSensor (25 PCU)
- LargeBlockSensor (25 PCU)
- SmallBlockSoundBlock (25 PCU)
- LargeBlockSoundBlock (25 PCU)
- SmallTextPanel (5 PCU)
- SmallLCDPanelWide (5 PCU)
- SmallLCDPanel (5 PCU)
- LargeBlockCorner_LCD_1 (5 PCU)
- LargeBlockCorner_LCD_2 (5 PCU)
- LargeBlockCorner_LCD_Flat_1 (5 PCU)
- LargeBlockCorner_LCD_Flat_2 (5 PCU)
- SmallBlockCorner_LCD_1 (5 PCU)
- SmallBlockCorner_LCD_2 (5 PCU)
- SmallBlockCorner_LCD_Flat_1 (5 PCU)
- SmallBlockCorner_LCD_Flat_2 (5 PCU)
- OxygenTankSmall (25 PCU)
- OxygenGeneratorSmall (50 PCU)
- LargeTextPanel (5 PCU)
- LargeLCDPanel (5 PCU)
- LargeLCDPanelWide (5 PCU)
- SmallBlockRadioAntenna (100 PCU)
- LargeBlockRemoteControl (25 PCU)
- SmallBlockRemoteControl (25 PCU)
- SmallAirVent (10 PCU)
- Oxygen (25 PCU)
- LargeHydrogenTank (25 PCU)
- SmallHydrogenTank (25 PCU)
- LargeProductivityModule (1 PCU)
- LargeEffectivenessModule (1 PCU)
- LargeEnergyModule (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockSmallContainer (10 PCU)
- SmallBlockMediumContainer (10 PCU)
- SmallBlockLargeContainer (10 PCU)
- LargeBlockSmallContainer (10 PCU)
- LargeBlockLargeContainer (10 PCU)
- SmallBlockSmallThrust (15 PCU)
- SmallBlockLargeThrust (15 PCU)
- LargeBlockSmallThrust (15 PCU)
- LargeBlockLargeThrust (15 PCU)
- LargeBlockLargeHydrogenThrust (15 PCU)
- LargeBlockSmallHydrogenThrust (15 PCU)
- SmallBlockLargeHydrogenThrust (15 PCU)
- SmallBlockSmallHydrogenThrust (15 PCU)
- LargeBlockLargeAtmosphericThrust (15 PCU)
- LargeBlockSmallAtmosphericThrust (15 PCU)
- SmallBlockLargeAtmosphericThrust (15 PCU)
- SmallBlockSmallAtmosphericThrust (15 PCU)
- SmallCameraBlock (25 PCU)
- LargeCameraBlock (25 PCU)
- LargeBlockGyro (50 PCU)
- SmallBlockGyro (50 PCU)
- SmallBlockSmallGenerator (25 PCU)
- SmallBlockLargeGenerator (25 PCU)
- LargeBlockSmallGenerator (25 PCU)
- LargeBlockLargeGenerator (25 PCU)
- LargePistonBase (100 PCU)
- LargePistonBase (100 PCU)
- LargePistonTop (5 PCU)
- SmallPistonBase (100 PCU)
- SmallPistonBase (100 PCU)
- SmallPistonTop (5 PCU)
- LargeStator (100 PCU)
- Suspension3x3 (50 PCU)
- Suspension5x5 (50 PCU)
- Suspension1x1 (50 PCU)
- SmallSuspension3x3 (50 PCU)
- SmallSuspension5x5 (50 PCU)
- SmallSuspension1x1 (50 PCU)
- Suspension3x3mirrored (50 PCU)
- Suspension5x5mirrored (50 PCU)
- Suspension1x1mirrored (50 PCU)
- SmallSuspension3x3mirrored (50 PCU)
- SmallSuspension5x5mirrored (50 PCU)
- SmallSuspension1x1mirrored (50 PCU)
- LargeRotor (100 PCU)
- SmallStator (100 PCU)
- SmallRotor (100 PCU)
- LargeAdvancedStator (100 PCU)
- LargeAdvancedRotor (100 PCU)
- SmallAdvancedStator (100 PCU)
- SmallAdvancedRotor (100 PCU)
- ButtonPanelLarge (5 PCU)
- ButtonPanelSmall (5 PCU)
- TimerBlockLarge (25 PCU)
- TimerBlockSmall (25 PCU)
- LargeRailStraight (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockSolarPanel (55 PCU)
- SmallBlockSolarPanel (55 PCU)
- LargeBlockOxygenFarm (25 PCU)
- Window1x2Slope (1 PCU)
- Window1x2Inv (1 PCU)
- Window1x2Face (1 PCU)
- Window1x2SideLeft (1 PCU)
- Window1x2SideLeftInv (1 PCU)
- Window1x2SideRight (1 PCU)
- Window1x2SideRightInv (1 PCU)
- Window1x1Slope (1 PCU)
- Window1x1Face (1 PCU)
- Window1x1Side (1 PCU)
- Window1x1SideInv (1 PCU)
- Window1x1Inv (1 PCU)
- Window1x2Flat (1 PCU)
- Window1x2FlatInv (1 PCU)
- Window1x1Flat (1 PCU)
- Window1x1FlatInv (1 PCU)
- Window3x3Flat (1 PCU)
- Window3x3FlatInv (1 PCU)
- Window2x3Flat (1 PCU)
- Window2x3FlatInv (1 PCU)
- SmallBlockConveyor (10 PCU)
- LargeBlockConveyor (10 PCU)
- Collector (25 PCU)
- CollectorSmall (25 PCU)
- Connector (125 PCU)
- ConnectorSmall (125 PCU)
- ConnectorMedium (125 PCU)
- ConveyorTube (10 PCU)
- ConveyorTubeSmall (10 PCU)
- ConveyorTubeMedium (10 PCU)
- ConveyorFrameMedium (10 PCU)
- ConveyorTubeCurved (10 PCU)
- ConveyorTubeSmallCurved (10 PCU)
- ConveyorTubeCurvedMedium (10 PCU)
- SmallShipConveyorHub (25 PCU)
- LargeBlockConveyorSorter (25 PCU)
- MediumBlockConveyorSorter (25 PCU)
- SmallBlockConveyorSorter (25 PCU)
- VirtualMassLarge (25 PCU)
- VirtualMassSmall (25 PCU)
- SpaceBallLarge (25 PCU)
- SpaceBallSmall (25 PCU)
- SmallRealWheel1x1 (25 PCU)
- SmallRealWheel (25 PCU)
- SmallRealWheel5x5 (25 PCU)
- RealWheel1x1 (25 PCU)
- RealWheel (25 PCU)
- RealWheel5x5 (25 PCU)
- SmallRealWheel1x1mirrored (25 PCU)
- SmallRealWheelmirrored (25 PCU)
- SmallRealWheel5x5mirrored (25 PCU)
- RealWheel1x1mirrored (25 PCU)
- RealWheelmirrored (25 PCU)
- RealWheel5x5mirrored (25 PCU)
- Wheel1x1 (25 PCU)
- SmallWheel1x1 (25 PCU)
- Wheel3x3 (25 PCU)
- SmallWheel3x3 (25 PCU)
- Wheel5x5 (25 PCU)
- SmallWheel5x5 (25 PCU)
- LargeShipGrinder (100 PCU)
- SmallShipGrinder (100 PCU)
- LargeShipWelder (150 PCU)
- SmallShipWelder (150 PCU)
- LargeShipMergeBlock (125 PCU)
- SmallShipMergeBlock (125 PCU)
- ArmorAlpha (1 PCU)
- ArmorCenter (1 PCU)
- LargeProgrammableBlock (25 PCU)
- ArmorCorner (1 PCU)
- ArmorInvCorner (1 PCU)
- ArmorSide (1 PCU)
- SmallArmorCenter (1 PCU)
- SmallArmorCorner (1 PCU)
- SmallArmorInvCorner (1 PCU)
- SmallArmorSide (1 PCU)
- LargeBlockLaserAntenna (100 PCU)
- SmallBlockLaserAntenna (100 PCU)
- LargeBlockSlideDoor (115 PCU)
- LgParachute (50 PCU)
- SmParachute (50 PCU)
"He who stays in the footsteps of others cannot improve."