Server Desync: Lack of admins online

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    • Server Desync: Lack of admins online

      Greetings dear engineers,

      As i write this, the SE server suffers from a desync with yet again, an afk player who's causing this. Due to the absence of admins, we cant kick this player to resolve the issue for everyone. Since im already for almost a year at the server playing almost everyday and most of all during night where near all admins are asleep, i wanted to ask nicely for a sort of demi-admin rights, with only kick abilities to resolve these issue when no admins are online. I hope you understand my intention here as im no german speaking person but i strive for a good gameplay and fair 'n fun engineering time. ( Otherwise you just can ban me... =D)

      Thanks for your understanding,

      Kind Regards,

      (P.S; Firefox259 no longer seen with his pink paintbrush pranks... What happened with him?)